Earlier this week I had a bit of spare time one evening, so I started welding in the new bits that will makeup the recontructed b-pillar. Went pretty well.

Then there was today. It started off bad and got worse. Actually, it started getting bad yesterday. You see, the plan was to take the 200 to get the last of my stuff from my office. But a migraine threw a wrench into those plans, so plan b was to do it today.
So I get up at 7 or so, diddle around on the computer for a while, then figured it was time to get going at about 9. Got the truck loaded with my boxes, dolly and straps, hop in turn the key and click, click. Crap. OK, I'm prepared for this. Got out the charger, let it juice up for 15 minutes or so and it springs to life no problem. As I'm taking off the charger, I can hear that noise again that started at Pineys. Sounds like a cracked header or blown gasket. I'll have to check into that one of these days, but I digress.
So I hop back in, ready to roll and it won't go into gear. Any gear. Push the clutch in and out. Stiff as ever. Nothing. So I'm trying every gear and finally it slips into reverse and the truck lurches backwards.
Now this is were a frustrating morning turns ugly. It just so happens that my father-in-law goes to church with Diane the third Sunday every month. And he parks his Jaguar right behind my truck. Getting the picture yet? Before I can get the truck out of gear, the twin tailpipes (the lowest thing back there) make a couple of nice marks on that pretty little Jag's nose. Oofdah. I managed to re park the thing by jamming into gear and shut it down.
I don't have time for clutch trouble. So I end up making one trip with the crossfire and one with Diane's CRV.
Thankfully, not a mark on Heavy D. :-) But diagnosing the problem is going to have to wait. I just hope my checkbook can absorb the bill to fix the Jag.
And this all because of a migraine. I hate migraines.