Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Yes kids a Video is in the works

Now that I have this shiny new iMac, I'm having to learn a new video package. What better way to learn iMovie that on that Spring Pinelands video I've been neglecting for so long. I built a sound track in GarageBand and have most of the clips and stills in place. Just need a few more hours to finish it up... then on to the Fall video.

1 comment:

cromulent said...

If you have any vids or stills showing the Xterra having fun, by all means include them! The more proof I have my "youngest" actually goes off-road the better, be it a Scout or no.

Oh and enjoy the shiny new toy. I am green with envy. I wonder if it's too late to ask Santa to get me a new laptop... :)