Left the party at 8:45 PM and drove straight through; got home at 5:20 AM. Made four stops to top of fuel and check the oil. Used two quarts on the way home. At one of the stops I noticed that oil was pooled up front by the distributor, too. Methinks that I'm going to have to pull the intake and replace the valley pan gasket. Oofdah. One more thing to do before Pinelands next month. I also noticed that the left front caliper started to sound like it is dragging a little bit. Will have to check that out too. It's always something. But, at least Hanky got me home without incident, as usual.
Hanky hit a major milestone on the way home - 100,000 miles. Did it while cruising at 65 mph at 2:30 in the morning. Congrats Hanky, I hope there is another 100k in ya.
Glad you made it home safe & sound, if not a little poorer from buying all that oil! Looks like we have some seal replacement to do all right. Luckily for you I have a new (from West End Service) valley pan gasket for a 304 as well as a stack of NOS intake manifold gaskets for 152/266/304 engines I found in a box late on Saturday afternoon. I also have some gin-u-wine Lubriplate 101 brake grease we can put on your caliper slides after we pull the calipers and clean 'em with some Scotch-Brite and Purple Power. Your shop or mine, just say when! :)
You da man! I'm thinking this weekend, but gotta check check with my entertainment coordinator.
I'm also thinking my place, just in case we don't finish for some reason. I'm going to start tearing into it tonight, so all we need to do this weekend is assembly.
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