Took it for a ride around the neighborhood and quickly realized that I made one error when installing the Borgeson - I didn't square up the steering wheel, so it's about 30* out of phase, which also boogers up the turn signals. Gonna have to fix that, along with a myriad of other little things that need finishing, like:
finishing the weld at the back edge of the outer rocker and hitting it with POR-15, welding a small piece into the toe board to fill a small gap, installing (welding) the rear gusset. Then hitting the old part of the floor with the wire brush to get off the carpet glue, then put in some bed liner.
It wanders a little more than I remember, but that might be part of getting used to the Borgeson. Still gets up and goes like a banshee, though. I'll have to dig out an old photo to do a before and after, but for now, here is how it sits today:
Glad to see it on the road again! Peer Pressure and I drove past your house when I dropped off Brian, but we didn't see you outside. Otherwise we would have stopped to say hello. We got a lot done on the parts truck-there's more stuff there than I remember!
*points upward* What Bill said. We have TONS (OK, maybe 1 ton) of good Scout parts. I have no doubt you'll find something in the pile for Hanky next time you drop by. I have enough parts to finish the A/C system on Cammy now, so I'm happy as can be. :)
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