The new JL Scout has been released, so look for it in your friendly neighborhood toy store. I scored two from my favorite online distributor, but haven't spotted them at Toys-R-Us yet. Keep your eyes peeled.
Inspiration and Education
2 days ago
I'd go look for it at my local Toys 'R' Us, but it turns out they're closing it down completely. When I go out for homebrew supplies this weekend I'll stop over at the one near you and see if I can find one.
When does the pickup model come out?
really? That ToysRUs was always good for having JL toys. Although it is a pretty ratty looking store. The one by me is good. I checked last weekend and they didn't have any.
The pickup model is supposed to come out in series 23 or 24 later this year (I think this Scout is release 20).
Oh, they will also be doing a pickup/tractor combo thru Case dealers too.
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