Today was spent with Bro T getting his Scout back on the road. It's been, oh, about a year and a half since it last ran. It died on his way to work one day. We towed it home and haven't messed with it much since.
But today was the day. He got a fresh battery for it, so we primed the carb to see what would happen. It would pop off occasionally, but not much else. So, we pulled the cap and plugs and cleaned 'em up. We also ran the fuel pump to a gas can in case the lines were fouled or varnished with old gas. That seemed to work, we got it to fire and idle nicely. After a bit, the upper radiator hose collapsed, so we shut it down and went inside for lunch while it cooled down enough to open the radiator.
Happily sated with pizza, we went back out and sure enough, the radiator was darned near empty. So we filled her up with new juice and tried again. Doesn't want to start. Hmmm. Well, why don't we swap out the coil. Did that and it fired right up. No sign of a radiator leak while running, but there are signs it had one on the passenger side at one time. We'll have to keep an eye on it.
Got it rolling and pulled it out into the back yard for a photo shoot. Nice to see it moving again. Now we just need to clean it up and assess the bodywork needs (hood, windshield frame, drivers rockers, front body mounts, fenders, quarters...).