It seems all I am doing is cutting out more metal. Well, I guess that's what I am doing. Today out came the rest of the floors. Good, solid metal, but unnecessary. Perhaps I'll use the scraps elsewhere. I did spend a little time wire brushing the newly exposed frame. I'll be painting it with POR-15 while I have easy access.

Looks like most of the rot is either gone or exposed at this point. It won't be long now before it all goes back in. Keep up the good work!
Oh, and BTW: I don't know if you've used POR-15 before, but definitely heed their advice on cleaning and prep. It has been my experience that the slightest surface contamination will keep POR from adhering.
Yup indeed. Just about ready to PO-15 the bloody stumps and get to welding. I do need to get soem marine clean or other equally toxic cleaner to make sure that the stuff sticks. I also have a can of Eastwood's Rust Encapsulator, which I may try as well. Classic Auto Restorer did a test of the two side-by-side and RE did a bit better when used on metal that still had some residual rust.
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