Well, in this case, when the sun shines, it pours. Hanky has had a bit of a trans drip ever since I put it back together. Today, Brian H and I went to look at a 79 Scout. I noticed that it left a little puddle in the driveway there, did the same when we stopped at my nephew's movie shoot on the way back. Then when I got home, I looked under the truck and it was pouring out. grabbed a drip pan that I happened to have handy (doesn't every Scout owner) and slid it under to catch the deluge. This isn't a drip, it's a pour and I can see my trail leading back towards Brian's house. This ain't good. Looks like I am going to have to pull that tranny again. Maybe I'll just put in my spare for the moment and hope that is one is good. That new tranny jack might get a good workout this weekend.
What a royal pain. I'm getting tired of chasing leaks in a trans and tranfser case that didn't leak a drop before I took them out.
Oh, and I still need to fix the radiator in Heavy D.
Inspiration and Education
2 days ago