Hanky got worked hard yesterday. Maybe too hard. with the help of the neighborhood, we managed to get a single lane plowed out to the main road. By the end of the day, Hanky started smoking, I think blowing oil out the dipstick tube. I had added some oil earlier because it sounded like it was ticking a little. Rechecked the level and it was over full. Doh! I managed to fry one of the plug wires, but never fear, I have an extra set on stand-by.
After letting it sit for a while, it didn't want to idle. Would start and run (albeit not terrible smoothly), but not idle and would die as soon as I put it into gear. At one point it didn't want to start at all. It backfired through the carb big time, so thought it was flooded. The problem didn't really start until I filled it with gas, so thought maybe some water got in there. Put some dry gas in and ultimately got it to run long enough to get it into a newly dug out parking space.
I'm going to have to tinker with it today. I have a new set of plugs I can put in and will swap out all the plug wires and if I can find my spare dizzy cap, I'll put that on. A new fuel filter too. And maybe drain off about half a quart of oil.
But baby it's cooooold out there now. Gonna have to wait until the sun gets a little higher!
Here are a few shots of what we managed to accomplish yesterday: