Had some time to kill today while the masses perused my wares at our neighborhood yard sale today, so I took the opportunity to rebuild the thermoquad. Made a run down to Harbor freight last night to pick up some soda. Used that to clean up the carb and it worked great. Clean as a whistle, buttoned back up and on the Scout. works great. Need to do a little fine tuning on it and general tune up stuff. timed it to 8* and took it for a run. Not bad, but isn't giving quite the power I would expect. Worlds better than it was though.
Of course, with the good comes the bad. Not only is the steering box leaking like a seive, the alternator seems to be going and I spotted what looks like oils seeping from the crank in front.
One of these days I'll just be able to drive and enjoy.
Inspiration and Education
2 days ago